Ring Waste Regulations
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Ring's Waste Regulations

Ring complies with Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations. Our registered number is BPRN 00354.

Automotive batteries
As a producer of automotive batteries under the Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009, Ring Automotive Ltd, are obliged to collect, free of charge and within a reasonable time, waste automotive batteries for treatment and recycling from final holders e.g. garages, scrap yards, end-of-life vehicle Authorised Treatment Facilities, Civic Amenity Sites, etc. We are required to do this in any calendar year we place new automotive batteries on the market.
If you require us to take back any automotive batteries, please contact us at autosales@ringautomotive.com. We will agree the necessary arrangements for the collection, proper treatment and recycling of the waste automotive batteries.

We also comply with WEEE directive on the disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Our registration number is WEEE/CC2929WW.

As per Regulation 12(1) Ring Automotive Ltd meet our B2B obligations by offering Take-back and having our WEEE collected by ERP Operations. UK Trade customers wishing to have Ring Automotive electrical and electronic items disposed of should phone 0845 685 2424 or email ukoperations@erp-recycling.org